Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Man, The Coach, The Legend

Bobby Bowden is one of the greatest football coaches to ever coach College Football. He single handily built up the FSU program to the excellence that they demand of now. He will be known as a great recruiter and a great motivator. He was able to change with the times to keep his offense and defense up-to-date. So after dedicating his life to FSU, how could the University turn their back on him? They pretty much demanded his retirement or even a bigger slap in the face, let him be a figure head that would have no coaching authority. I am sorry to say and keep in mind I am not a FSU fan, but to see a coach that has done what he has get the boot is flabbergasting. He deserves to leave when he is good and ready and when he makes the decision to do so, not when some Alumni get frustrated because they are not winning National Championships. It lets you know they forgot about where he brought them from, and the days of FSU and National Championship would of been a joke. The question that I ask, is if Alumni are so good at scouting talent and experts on coaching why are they not doing it? There is a secret to coaching that few people possess but Bobby had it, he knew how to get the most of his players, motivate them, and made them want to play their heart out for him. The players did not play for Alumni, not for sponsors, not for Board of Directors, but for Bobby Bowden. He went to their homes and spoke with their parents, he took their lives in his hand and try to mold them to be better men, he let the parents know he would watch out after them, and he was honest even if it wasn't popular. Bobby had the traits of not just a great coach but of a great man. Now in his first year gone for some reason they thought Jimbo Fisher would magically make this team into a National Championship caliber team, but after the embarrassing loss to Oklahoma maybe people are seeing it wasn't all Bobby's fault that they were not winning as they were accustomed to. I hope the best for Jimbo Fisher and hope he can make Bobby Bowden's dismissal a one that was not done in vein, but I do not have high hopes for him and think Jimbo will have to shoulder the pressure of Bobby Bowden the man, Bobby Bowden the coach, and Bobby Bowden the legend and that can make even the strongest man crumble.

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