Sunday, October 10, 2010

Severe Thunderstorm Warning...

For the last few seasons I have been hearing how Randy Shannon just needs time to turn the program around, but how many seasons is to many? Before you answer that you have to ask yourself another question and that is what is more important; winning football games or having a trouble free program? See for years and years the program in Miami has been known for its less than stellar citizens playing for the program, being synonymous with words like thugs, thieves, troubled, and even worse words. The academics of the players were down as was the graduation rate. Randy Shannon if you have not heard his story you should definitely read it, it is inspiring. Randy Shannon has single handly has changed the reputation of Miami by holding his players responsible for their actions, and making academics important to the players who play for him. So the question still stand does the Alumni care about this or is it about win and losses?

For some fans the thing that had drawn them into The U was the attitude and the swagger. They liked that attitude and the swagger that Miami brought to the field. It was almost an attitude of you can’t beat us, and we will hurt you if you try. This strong attitude and fearless playing on the field strikes fear into their opponents and intimidation took nothing more than stepping on the field with them. This attitude was as most of you know was fueled by Jimmy Johnson and he added gasoline to it so it could burn wild. The problem was when he added the fuel, like most fires, it was unable to be controlled long and it was burning wild. Before you know it the players of Miami were acting off the field like they were on the field, playing and living with reckless abandonment. This caused Sports Illustrated and other popular sports magazines to write countless articles on the behavior of Miami and because of how Miami played countless rules were put in place for taunting, personal fouls, and more because of Miami.

As I said before since Randy Shannon took over he has turned that part of the program but what he has not done is win. He has done a good job recruiting but his players that he recruited that are now starting and playing are not getting the job done consistently. They show flashes of light and look like they can be great than in the very next game stink up the field, to me that sounds like a problem with coaching. If they have the talent, have the skills, and have the depth, but they do not come out to play every single game that is a coaching issue. So you are stuck in a position where you have a guy that is a great man for the job of evolving boys into men and producing productive citizens but not the best guy for the program. It is a peculiar position that Miami is in and be interesting to see what they do from here because will they choose to bring in a coach that can win but at the expense of these young men failing in life, or keep Randy Shannon that will make a huge difference in these players lives.

So this is what Miami will face going forward, and I don’t think Randy Shannon is on the hot seat yet, but could be very soon if he can’t show he can win the big game. Now I think people have to be responsible for themselves and that if a coach can make a difference in their life than great, but should not be a necessity, their job is to win games and that is what they should do. You are not paid on how many you graduate but how many wins you have in the win column. So judge the coach on what he is paid to do and take out our emotions on how we feel about the guy, I know it’s something that is hard to do and I hope it works out for Shannon but we will see and have to keep our eyes on. So until we find out what happens I will continue to support the U and it will be all about the U.

1 comment:

  1. So, how about those Seminoles? Man, that spear got driven in deep into the heart of the Hurricane didn't it? LOL...
