Saturday, September 25, 2010

Alabama Pride

I am pretty new to Alabama, I have lived in Florida for most of my life. I recently moved to Alabama just over two years ago. I did not realize how seriously they took their College Football here in the State of Alabama. Coming from Florida we had many Pro teams, Rays, Dolphins, Bucs, Marlins, Jaguars, Magic, Heat, Panthers, and Lighting. You also have the big college teams of Miami, Florida State, and Florida. So their was a very diverse group of people that watched college sports and pro sports, but no in Alabama. The truth is they have their college sports because Alabama does not have one pro team in the State. So the State is divided into two groups, the ones that bleed Crimson, and the ones that bleed Auburn Orange.
The sense of pride that they take and the seriousness that they take it in, I believe is unmatched in the United States even to West Virginia. I live in not a small town but not a huge one either, we have about 70,000 people that live in it, which is much smaller than where I came from. When Alabama plays though this city shuts down. Traffic dies down, business slows down,
and everybody is having BBQ's and Football parties. I have never seen
anything like this, were the oldest and youngest dress in their football
best to get ready for the game. Now keep in mind we do not live on the
outskirts of Tuscaloosa or Auburn, I live hours away, but the whole state
is like this. They live and die with Alabama and Auburn Football. This
is the craziest place I have ever been, but their pride, honor, and
tradition here is unmatched when it comes to College Football.

Hope everybody has a great week of Football, and leave a comment of your
Football City/State.

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