Monday, September 27, 2010

So Far In Week 3....

Jets @ Dolphins 31-23
So the Jets are back up to 2-1 after defeating the Dolphins. Marc Sanchez is showing that he can play in this league and that Week 1 was just a bad game, hey they all have them right? The fact the Dolphins could of got blown out and didn’t was a good note, but the red zone play calling was well interesting to say the least. Way it was a hard fought game played to the end and Jets came out on top, the Jets will face the 0-3 Bills, while the Dolphins will face another division foe in the New England Patriots on Monday Night Football.
Raiders @ Cardinals 23-24
Cardinals well they are 2-1 but wins against the Rams and the Raiders do not look the best on the resume. They did get Beanie Wells back that played a good game for coming off injury and looks like Derek Anderson is coming into his own as a Cardinal. The Raiders only bright spot is McFadden is becoming what they thought he was when they drafted him; the problem is the rest of the team is not very good, could you see Gruden as the Raider’s coach again? Well probably not but they could use something. Cardinals will take their 2-1 record to San Diego to take on the chargers and the Raiders will host the Texans.
Chargers @ Seahawks 20-27
How about those Seahawks? Looks like Hasselbeck has found his better days, still needs to get those INTS in check, but looks much better this year than he has last few years, and can we say Chargers are missing some L.T right about now. L.T gave them a person that could take over the game when Rivers couldn’t win it in the air for them. Looks like the Chargers might want to consider about signing Vincent Jackson because looks like Rivers only trust Gates, which I think killed them at end of game when he tried to force passes into Gates. San Diego needs to get back on track and will have to do so against the Cardinals next week, while the Seahawks travel to St. Louis.

Eagles @ Jaguars 28-3
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s freaking Vick. Vick is becoming the player that most were hoping he could be when he entered the NFL. Who knew it would take some jail time and convictions to get him to mature himself to do what he is doing now, and that’s just passing for 750 yards in 2 ½ games and running for 170 yards. I am going to say he is a starter somewhere next year. The Jaguars needs MJD to step it up big time, he is supposed to be focal point of the team and right now he is not doing too much, makes me wonder if that knee is still hurting him, only time will tell. The Jaguars schedule gets no easier, they have to face the Colts next week a team they play historically tough against and the Eagles will play the Redskins.
Colts @ Broncos 27-13
For all the people that watched this game you are probably asking yourself how Denver lost. It is pretty simple it is called making bad decisions by the head coach in the red zone but don’t go and think he is a bad coach we all have brain farts. Broncos had 519 total yards to Colts 365 yards, the difference is Peyton Manning knows how to put the ball in the end zone. I think everybody will agree though Broncos will be tough for any team they play and Kyle Orton is coming into his own, but still could be a lumpy season for the Broncos and I will not count them out of any game. The Broncos will take on Tennessee and try to contain C.J while the Colts have the Jaguars..

Redskins @ Rams 16-30
How about this game, soon as the Redskins starts looking like they could be a good team, they let the Rams beat them and beat them convincingly. Donovan McNabb played well but need more of a rushing attack to help him out, and the defense needs to show that Week 1 intensity again. St Louis on the other hand gave Bradford his first win of what looks like will be many in his career. Him and Marc Clayton have lots of chemistry and could be a good tandem until they bring a big time WR to the Rams. The downside of the game was Stephen Jackson hurt his groin and might keep him sidelined for longer than they would like him to be, good side was he didn’t play second half and Rams still won. The Rams will go for two in a row against the Seahawks that play stingy defense, and the Redskins will be traveling to the Eagles, will be a homecoming for McNabb.

Cowboys @ Texans 27-13
Well the Cowboys team might not be the best team in the Nation but they are the best team in Texas. After a convincing win against the Texans that many thought to be a team that has arrived, the Cowboys showed that there is a long season left. I am still not thrilled about the rushing attack with the Cowboys and think they should lean against it a little more but they got a win. Houston’s offense looked like a fat kid at a veggie store, just plain lost. I do think the Cowboys came fired up and ready to play and Texans could not match that intensity but they should bounce back, just to talented not to. Houston will play Oakland which should be a nice bounce back game, and the Cowboys will enjoy their bye week.

Browns @ Ravens 17-24
Well after week one I think we all thought the Ravens were a Super Bowl contending team and they still are just not so convincingly anymore. Upside is Flacco played very well but it was against a Defense that was supposed to be tough and had their moments but Boldin proved to be too much for them. If you’re a Browns fan you have to be little impressed by Seneca Wallace, he threw the ball well and thinks he provides more of a spark to the offense more than that “other guy”.  Hillis had a great game and that has to be a concern for Ravens rush defense that is very tough, and also a concern for Ravens is Ray Rice injury that could be huge on their season. We will get to see the Ravens take on the Steelers next week that should be a huge slug fest, and the Browns will tackle the Bengals in a instate rivalry.

Bengals @ Panthers 20-7
This game was not Jimmy Clausen had dreamed of the night before, he probably saw himself going out there throwing for 3 Touchdowns and leading his team to a victory, well he threw for 0 touchdowns and completed less than 50% of his throws. The Bengals on the other hand came into town took care of business and left with a win. Why the leading rusher for Carolina had 64 yards is beyond me though, especially on 10 carries, come on Carolina rush the ball. Anyways the Panthers will play the Saints, and the Bengals have the Browns.

Steelers @ Buccaneers 38-13
Well I’m not sure how old Charlie Batch is but he has to be old but he didn’t show it Sunday against the Bucs, throwing for 3 touchdowns. The Bucs though showed that against a good defense it is going to be tough for them to move the ball up and down the field, but they did play tough and had some bad bounces. I don’t think the Bucs are ready for the playoffs but are better than what I initially thought. The Bucs will get to rest next week for their bye week, and the Steelers will take on the Ravens and should show how good the Steelers are without Rothelisberger.
Bills @ Patriots 30-38
The Pats coming off a tough loss to the Jets or more of an embarrassing one, needed to make a statement and they did but not the one they wanted. They let the whole NFL know that their defense is not very good and can be exploited.  The Bills came close to a victory which would have been a back breaker to the Pats, but in the NFL a win is a win. The Pats have an opportunity to show they are better than what they shown against the Dolphins in Miami, while the Bills get a chance to show their offense is legit against the Jets.

Falcons @ Saints 27-24 OT
I think everybody has been thinking the Saints offense is going to turn up the heat, but I think one of the burners is broke. They have glimpses of brilliance then it’s like they stall out, I’m not sure what to make of it except it will get better. The Falcons though showed that they are ready to compete in that division and will be a force all year to play with. Matt Ryan with not the most efficient day passing but effective, and Michael Turner providing a solid run game can be a tough team to play with. The Falcons though will not need a hangover against the 49ers still searching for their first win and the Saints have to turn it up against Carolina.

Lions @ Vikings 10-24
This was a must win for the Vikings but they did not play at the intensity that you think they should have, well at least in the first half. At halftime this was a game and could have easily been taking over by the Lions to win the game, but the defense showed up in the second half shutting down the Lions. Favre still made mistakes and is not very encouraging but I believe he has to get better. The Vikings will get week to straighten out things in their bye week and the Lions will have to try to get their first win against the Packers.

49ers @ Chiefs 10-31
After last week’s performance against the Saints, I think everybody thought the Chiefs win streak would end against the 49ers but nope the Chiefs keep on winning. Jamal Charles and McCluster show they are big time offensive weapons, and Thomas Jones has not lost a step. The real key to Chiefs to keep winning is Matt Cassel has to be a solid QB. The 49ers though have talent all over the place and cannot put a victory together, is the head coach to blame? As long as they do not panic they still have time to win the division because it is not a very tough one. The 49ers road gets no easier having to take on the Falcons and do the Chiefs get their first loss against the Colts?

Titans @ Giants 29-10
You know what they say the better team doesn’t always win, because Giants looked like they had the better team but mistakes shot them in the foot. Not to take away credit from the Titans but Vince Young is going to have to step up and be the leader of this team for them to make it anywhere in the Playoffs. Then you have Eli Manning making rookie mistakes, you have to ask how long are they going to keep him in New York? Should be an interesting week for the Giants because they have a tough test with the Bears next week and the Titans will have to struggle with the Broncos.

I think thus far in Week 3 is that Pittsburgh is going to be for real this year, and that you are going to have to watch Kansas City. Tampa Bay is a pretender after being decimated at home by Pittsburgh. Anything can happen this season, so let’s just hope that they figure out this CBA and no lock out will happen next year. This is what is going so far in Week 3.


Packers at Bears 17-20

How about this upset on MNF, the Packers started off the game with a drive and a touchdown and looked like they were going to be able to do what they wanted with the Bears D, but na uh the Bears defense bent but never broke. They played a tough game all night and gave their team a chance to win. Now I will say that Hester deserves the Player Of The Game for his punt returns but the Defense is what really was the key for the Bears. I think after the game though everybody has to be impressed with Rodgers he is just a complete
QB, and in the next few years is going to take over Peyton's position of Top QB in NFL. Expect both these teams to stay close in records all season long as long as Chicago does not have any key injuries on Defense. The Bears will go to NY to take on the Giants, while the Packers will have a feel better game against the Lions.

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