Thursday, September 9, 2010

Football: A Dieing Sport, A Growing Business (A Short Rant)

Safety, protection, negotiations, and "name brand", if I asked you what I was talking about you would think I was about to start to talk about a Fortune 500 company but no, I am talking about how Football has involved more into a business than it is a sport.

Their was a day when players played for the love of the game, and had to work other jobs just to be able to play this game that we hold dear in our heart. They would play with broken fingers, hands, displaced shoulders, and hips. They would not complain but better yet refuse to be taken out because winning was what the most important thing was. For all it is Football a contact sport with brutal collisions and not for the faint of heart. These guys though made Football as popular as it is today with their toughness, roughness, and kick ass attitude. Those where the days when Football was Football, when it was a sport, but now with free agency and corporate sponsors the sport has become all about the money. Do not get me wrong their is nothing wrong with making money, and I think they should make as much as they can, the problem is when the money becomes more important than the sport. What is it about having holdouts because the Owners are keeping to much money, because the bench player making $250,000+ is not enough of money for him to live, the Superstar is getting out paid by another Superstar that plays his position, and so on it goes. Money they say is the root of all evil, and thus is destined to bring down the house that honest men built. Unless something is done I fear that the men that made the sport what it is today will have tarnished by the business we made it into today.

Since they invest so much money into these players, QB's being usually the highest of paid, what do they do? They make rules for rules on how to protect their investments. I am sorry but if you can't get hit you shouldn't be playing Football. Some will argue well his vulnerable he has the ball every offensive play and everybody is gunning for him! That is why he is the highest paid, as my grandmother would say if you can't handle the heat get out the kitchen, and go pick another position to play. It is pathetic to see QB's begging for calls when a defensive player laid his hand into his chest and knocked him over, I mean really, really are you that big of a pansy that you get knocked down your going to cry to a ref? I understand they are trying to get a call so they can get some yardage but I believe a man has to be a man and that is not something a real man does. A real man would say okay you knock me down, eat this 40 yard pass for a touchdown or better yet have one his WR crack back block him but cry to a ref I don't think so. The people that played this game way before these guys did I think would be ashamed of over 3/4 the QB's in the league about how weak they are. Let's make it simple, no facemask, no hit out bounds, no hits after whistle, and no leading with helmet the end. Everything else what is it they say in football keep your head on a swivel.

I have a very simple solution on how to fix this. First thing you do is stop paying rookies outrageous amount of money that have yet to play a down in football. Take the money your saving in their salaries pay the other players that actually have proven to be players give them the money and then its called job hazard. You wanna get paid, your gonna have to play and playing means you can get hit. Other option is take all the pads off of them and put some flags and let's play some flag football because it is getting that pathetic with some players. I do hope though somebody comes up with a solution and make Football what it was that made it great.
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