Monday, September 13, 2010

So Far In Week 1 ( A Review)

I know the week is not over with two games yet to be played on Monday Night, but so far what is going on this season? Yes, Chris Johnson looked like Chris Johnson, Peyton Manning threw for over 400 yards, and New England looks like they are back. The crazy part is Peyton Manning threw for over 400 yards in a losing effort and to the Houston Texans, could this be things to come for the Colts or letting Arian Foster run for over 200 yards just a fluke? I'm thinking Colts are in for a long season and if you have a running back playing the Colts make sure you start him in your fantasy leagues.

Philadelphia got rid of McNabb and was to start the Kolb era, well that era lasted 2 quarters before he was knocked out of the game with a concussion. If your a Eagles fan you were prolly delighted to see it because he was not moving the offense at all, but then came in Michael Vick. I think to call it Andy Reid's worst nightmare is little extreme but I know he definitely was not dreaming about this scenario happening. Trade away McNabb so you can start Kevin Kolb, Kevin Kolb plays bad for 2 quarters gets knocked out, in comes Vick and he plays great. Even though Eagles lost they moved the ball a whole lot better and who knows if Vick would of played all 4 quarters maybe they of won. Speaking of McNabb what did he do in his Redskin debut, nothing but win. Might not of been pretty and might of been from some help of them Cowboys but they won. Wonder if Eagles fans are second guessing themselves now for hating on McNabb for so long?

Now as I mentioned the Redskins beat the Cowboys, the same Cowboys with Superbowl dreams and aspirations of playing it in their home stadium, well if they are going to do so they better get their act together. Even if you took away all their penalties they just did not seem like a team poised to make a Superbowl run. The bonehead play of the year from the Cowboys to do anything besides take a knee with 4 second left in the 1st half on their side of the field, that ended up in a fumble and Washington TD. Short pass after short pass that was not working, and they need to get a better groove for their RB's. Don't get me wrong its only week 1 but being 0-1 and 0-1 in their division was not the way I believe they saw things going.

The Dolphins came in with high hopes of having a good season, and not saying it's not possible but their offense was not firing on all cylinders against the Buffalo Bills, but I could be wrong and the Bills could be much improved. They were playing up in Buffalo and Bills defense did look stingy but for some reason the Phins looked like they were a passing team and forgot they are really a running team. Brandon Marshall was targeted early and often though so that was a good note for the Phins that their is chemistry between the QB and WR. The Bills looked like they found out CJ.Spiller was a rookie for the first time, but not all his fault the Dolphins D looks like it will be stout all year. Look for the Bills not to make a playoff run but to kill some playoff hopes for a few teams. Speaking of Rookie RB's I go to Detroit where Javid Best did get a TD but did not run the ball well at all. I did not catch this game but from looking at his stats anybody could of ran for what he ran 20 yards on 14 carries, not impressive. In that game though Matt Forte made Jay Cutlers stats look better than he really was, offense needs to find a WR that is a steady target. The biggest story of that game is Calvin Johnsons TD that was called a no catch when I think both teams thought it was a catch, everybody at stadium thought it was a catch, and everybody watching thought it was a catch. The rules are the rules but sometimes how rules are enforced makes the difference, as one former NFL player now commentator said, "i have seen that a hundred times, and now it's not a catch?" I agree with him but hey it's over, Lions are 0-1 and Bears 1-0.

Then you have the Patriots that made the Bengals look like a High-School football team. The Bengals with their big two WR's, might want to either start thinking of a full time career in acting or realize they are playing NFL football. Wes Welker looks like his knee is not going to give him any problems, and Tom Brady is back to doing what Tom Brady does, throw the ball all over the place and score. Fred Jackson also didn't look bad at RB for the Patriots, he could become fantasy relevant if he keeps it up. Bengals did try to fight back in the 2nd half but Patriots were to much, but I don't think the Bengals are as bad as they look, look for them to bounce back. Another player I could see becoming fantasy relevant is Sam Bradford he threw the ball 50+ times in the game vs the Cardinals. If your league doesn't penalize for INT's you might really consider picking him up. In the game though the Cardinals defense bailed the offense out, the game was sloppy with I believe over 7 fumbles. Hightower had his moments but I believe Beanie Wells gives them a more prominent running attack. Derek Anderson played better than most prolly thought he would, but he is going to have to get on same page as Larry Fitz if this team is going to make the playoffs. Hey Cardinals started off with a win though, and Rams are exactly were we thought they would be 0-1. The Raiders though everybody had as a chance to being decent this year with Jason Campbell coming to play QB, but that was silenced pretty quick by the Titans. CJ had his notorious big run, and Vince Young played well throwing 2 TD's. Titans defense looked strong and Oaklands defense well didn't look so hot. Raiders are going to have to find a way to get their receivers in the game, and move the ball down the field. If your a Raiders fan look for another long season.

Now if your a Panthers fan you have something to cheer about, and no it's not about winning, it's the fact that Steve Smith is back. He looked good as he ever been, but not good enough to beat the G-Men. DeAngelo Willimas received most the carries with Jonathan Stewart playing second fiddle, which is not good if you drafted JStew high in your draft. Eli Manning threw some INT's but hey he threw just as many TD's. Go look quick to see if Hakeem Nicks is available in your fantasy league cause looks like Eli will be looking for him in the redzone. Other than that both these teams I see sitting at home for the Playoffs, but G-Men 1 and Panthers 0. The game of who is worse happened down in Tampa though, where Cleveland and Tampa matched up and this game is pretty simple, they are both not very good. Defense has hope but can't tell because both offenses are bad. Mike Williams caught a TD Pass and so did MoMass. Long season for both these teams and that's enough said. Interesting game to me though was Falcons and the Steelers. Dennis Dixon getting a chance and while he didn't play bad, he wasn't an offensive Juggernaut either. He did what he needed to do though and lead his team to a victory. Idea for Steelers is to be 2-2 when Big Ben comes back. For Atlanta though maybe he was the stingy Steelers defense but have to be some concerns with the running game. Unless they get the ball moving by running Matt Ryan is going to have a long season trying to pass. I think they get it turned around and you have yourself a playoff team. Side note if you took away Medenhalls 50+ yard run in OT, he really did not have a great game but good thing about any sport can't worry about what could of happened, just worry about what did.

Now by now you know what happened with the Saints and the Vikings, so only thing I really have to say about that is that I hope Farve can find him a receiver to replace Rice. Both defenses are stingy and both teams should have great years. They will see each other again in the playoffs. Now I believe the last game I have yet to talk about is the Broncos and Jaguars. This was a back and forth game and Tebow played. Knoshown Moreno looks like he will be ready to go from here on out, but they looked tentative to use him but in order to win they are going to have to give him more touches. Jaguars threw the ball around pretty well and showed that they are not dead and out. Maurice Jones Drew showed his fantasy owners that they should not worry about his knee and that he will be okay. Jaguars did pull this game out though with a 24-17 victory that was going back and forth. Both these teams you should see play hard all year, and maybe one of them will make playoffs.

This is m Week 1 in review, lets hope for a great Monday Night of Football.

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