Thursday, September 23, 2010

Who really is the best? Head To Head with SEC vs ACC

Do you ever get tired of hearing how the SEC is the best conference in the nation hands down; well we are going to see to is we can dispel this belief. The first conference that I will put them up against is the ACC. The ACC has some perennial powerhouses with Florida St, Miami, and Virginia Tech, but they have not been on the up and up lately. The SEC though has been winning National Championships the last few years and has their power houses of Alabama, Florida, LSU, Auburn, and Georgia. What I will do is use the current poll to put ACC’s best against SEC’s best and see who wins.
Mississippi State vs. Duke – If anything you will say it will be a good game because let’s face it neither team is that good but which one has the advantage? Duke got clobbered by Alabama already this year and Mississippi State lost to Auburn and LSU but did win against Memphis. Duke though looks like they have the ability to put up points more so than Mississippi St but Mississippi St has the better defense. So the question is Dukes Offense or Mississippi’s Defense. In this one I am going to take Mississippi’s defense and think they can hold Duke to less than 20pts and Dukes Defense is not stopping much.
Winner- Mississippi State

Mississippi vs. North Carolina – This is an interesting matchup only because of the sanctions against North Carolina players. North Carolina played a spirited game against LSU and almost was victorious. Mississippi lost to Jacksonville St and Vanderbilt, but did beat Tulane. This talent of North Carolina will take over this game leaving Mississippi on the short end of the stick. Mississippi would hold their own first quarter or two but after than North Carolina depth and talent would take over.
Winner- North Carolina

Vanderbilt vs. Maryland – Maryland has started the season 2-1 with wins overs Navy and Morgan State but lost to West Virginia. Vanderbilt has lost to Northwestern and LSU, but did defeat Mississippi. The stat that pops out on me the most is this matchup is Maryland is averaging 32 points a game and only giving up 16 points, pretty balanced team. While Vanderbilt is averaging 17.3 points a game but giving up 21.3 points. That is not a remedy to win, giving up more points than you score. Maryland is too well balanced on both sides of the ball and even though I think it would be closer than many think Maryland pulls it out.
Winner – Maryland

Georgia vs. Virginia- At first glance you would give this to Georgia right? Look little deeper Georgia has lost to South Carolina and Arkansas and won against Louisiana Lafayette. Virginia won against Richmond and barely lost to USC 17-14. Fact is I think Virginia has a tough defense with a mediocre offense. Georgia has played two tough teams in a row and showed they have talent but not in the class of the better teams. Virginia will put a strong stance in this game but Bulldog pride will not let them go home with a loss, Georgia finds a way to win.
Winner- Georgia

Tennessee vs. Clemson- If you did not see Clemson gave Auburn all they could handle at Auburns House. Tennessee is well they are on the down and out for a few seasons now. Tennessee did lose to Oregon and Florida which are pretty good teams. The way they lost though shows me they are not ready to play with the big boys. Clemson in this game would dominate on the defensive side of the ball and move the ball well enough on offense to get the win.
Winner- Clemson

Kentucky vs. Boston College – I really like this matchup because this game would be one that you really don’t know which way it would fall. Boston College has played Kent State and Weber, while Kentucky has played Louisville, Western Kentucky, and Akron. The only tough game Kentucky had against Louisville was a close game, while Boston College will not play their first true test till this week. The real question is can Boston College defense slow down the Kentucky offense and in this case I think the small mouth ball Boston College plays will be to physical for Kentucky. In a small margin of victory Boston College takes this one.
Winner Boston College

South Carolina vs. Virginia Tech- Virginia Tech played their heart out against Boise St. to almost have their National Championships hope crushed. Then they follow it up with a loss to James-Madison. South Carolina on the other hand has been playing good ball thus far going 3-0 with a win over Georgia. Tech’s defense is unusually bad this season, while South Carolina’s is unusually good. I think Virginia Tech gives it a spirited effort but the South Carolina Defense and not the Offense wins this game for them.
Winner- South Carolina

Auburn vs. North Carolina State – This game to me would be one of the best games to watch. Auburn has an exciting QB but N.C State has a good defense. This would be a nail biter all the way to the end. Auburn’s defense would have to play 4 quarters of ball and not just a half in order to win this game. N.C State actually statically has better Offense and Defensive numbers than Auburn. The wild card in this game though is the coaches, Auburn’s Coach will be sure to have them ready to play and if down at halftime will bring them new life.
Winner- Auburn

LSU vs. Wake Forest- The real question in this game would be can LSU’s defense stop the complicated offense of Wake Forest. If they can shut down the offense there is no way the Wake Forest Defense holds them into the game. LSU with the 5th best defense in the Nation will figure out a way to slow them down just like Stanford did. LSU Offense is little suspect but they will score enough points to win this game.
Winner- LSU

Arkansas vs. Georgia Tech- Surprisingly this game is a good matchup for GT. The option attack will give the Arkansas Defense problems and could take them a few quarters to get used to it. This could give GT an advantage and get up to an early lead, but then would come that potent Arkansas Offense to bring them right back. Even though I think this would be a better game than most would think, Arkansas still pulls this one out.
Winner- Arkansas

Florida vs. Florida St.- What I like about this matchup is that we will see it later on this year. Florida’s offense has looked shaky at times and their defense been keeping them in games. Florida St. looked like they were back then Oklahoma knocked them back to reality, but being a rival game anything can happen and will happen. Each team will play their best game and at the end of this game Florida St stops the losing streak against Florida.
Winner- Florida St.

Alabama vs. Miami- Well history does not favor Miami much in this matchup, nor does the fact that they have question marks with their team. Alabama is a finely tuned automobile that will run over anything that gets in its way. Miami has a great defense with a solid offense just a QB that does not take care of the ball. Thus being the reason Miami losses this game because of careless turnovers. They would play a spirited game though but the rushing attack would be too much combined with the turnovers their offense makes, allowing Alabama to play a short field.
Winner- Alabama

The SEC takes this one 7-5. The top teams in the SEC prove to be too much for the top teams in the ACC. The ACC could shoot themselves up to as one of the toughest conferences in the Nation if their top teams can just make a few improvements. Next week it will be SEC vs. Big 12.

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